Tag : #companysetup
Setting Up Property PMA in Bali
While you live a comfortable life in this beautiful paradise, there are ways to grow your wealth through investments and property...
Setting Up a Company in Indonesia
As the biggest country in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is a developing country which possesses a great deal of opportunity when it comes...
How you can legally rent a villa in Bali as a foreigner.
Renting a villa in Bali is one of the most famous foreign affairs on the island.
Get a Business Visa in Indonesia
An Indonesian business visa allows foreign entrepreneurs to enter Indonesia for short-term business visits and study the market. This...
Foreign Investment and Company Establishment
To establish a foreign company in Indonesia, shareholders must inject at least IDR 2.5 billion (~USD 175,000) of minimum paid-up capital,...
How to start a company in indonesia
If you plan to generate income by selling products or services in Indonesia, you will need to establish a "Foreign Investment Limited...
Buying or leasing property as a foreign in Indonesia
Buying or leasing property is one of the most common ways for Indonesians to protect and increase the value of their assets. Not everyone...
Introduction to PT PMA (Foreign Investment)
PT PMA is a business entity in the form of PT (Perseroan Terbatas/Limited Liability Company) which the establishment is regulated...
Setting up a PT. PMA
A Limited Liability Company – in Bahasa Indonesia “Perseroan Terbatas or PT”, is a legal entity which take the form of a capital partnership...