Setting Up Property PMA in Bali
While you live a comfortable life in this beautiful paradise, there are ways to grow your wealth through investments and property...
Property due diligence
Due diligence is the steps taken to ensure you’re safe making a business deal. It is to authenticate and verify all the information...
Menjual Harta Waris Anak di Bawah Umur
Sebelum menjual harta waris tersebut, Anda selaku Orang Tua ( Ayah / Ibu ) terlebih dahulu mengajukan permohonan perwalian/penetapan...
We are English Law Consultant in Bali, We are here to help and to see your problem gets satisfactorily resolved to the end.
Nominee Agreement in Indonesia
Nominee agreement is a very common practice in Indonesia, where a foreign citizen borrows the name of an Indonesian citizen to buy...
Seseorang dapat ditetapkan sebagai ahli waris apabila memiliki hubungan darah atau ikatan perkawinan/semenda dengan pewaris.
Pendirian CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap) atau Persekutuan...
Secara umum, pengertian CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap) atau Persekutuan Perdata merupakan sebuah badan usaha berbentuk persekutuan...
Setting Up a Company in Indonesia
As the biggest country in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is a developing country which possesses a great deal of opportunity when it comes...
Cara Mengajukan Gugatan Harta Gono Gini Setelah Perceraian
Harta gono gini adalah harta benda yang diperoleh baik oleh suami atau istri atau keduanya selama masa pernikahan. Harta ini bisa...
Foreigners property investment in Indonesia
Foreigners can buy property in Indonesia, although it’s more challenging than many hope. It’s important to know that the right of...
Buy Real Estate in Indonesia as Foreigner
Buying or leasing property in Indonesia can be complicated, especially for foreigners unfamiliar with local regulations and customs....
Pencemaran Nama Baik Pada Sosial Media
Pasal pencemaran nama baik di media sosial dapat merujuk pada Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 pasal 45 ayat 3 yang mengatur setiap...